Wednesday, February 25, 2009

undercounter light fixture

Take some window cleaner and a rag and squirt the mirror just where it’s gotten toothpaste spray. Don’t do the whole thing-that’s a waste of time and cleaner. Just hit where it’s dirty. Use a quick swipe of a rag with cleaner to wipe out your sink and faucet from the toothpaste and shaving cream residue. This gunks up a clean bathroom quicker than anything else. I use one-half of a disposable (flushable) bathroom wipe-one half is enough for the counter, sink, and one other area of my choice. I typically choose a part of the toilet, and that way the whole toilet is cleaned by the week’s end.

Swish out the toilet bowl with a quick flick of the brush. No cleaner is necessary. We’re just doing some easy maintenance here.

When you shower every day, take your pouf or wash cloth and use some of the leftover suds from your cleanser to wipe down the sides of the shower or tub. It takes a minute to do, but it will prevent having to bend over the tub and scrub it out periodically.

Once a week, sweep your bathroom floors and catch the hair that collects there.

That’s easy enough, right?

Don’t put papers on your desktop to just collect. When a bill comes in, put it in the bill-organizer on your desktop or pay it immediately and put it in the mail. The same with other mail and paperwork. I open the mail right over the trash can-that way, whatever is garbage doesn’t collect on my desk, but hits the circular file immediately and it’s out of my hair. Consider having a cross-cut shredder in your study for shredding pre-approved credit-card offers. Most identity theft takes place when information is gathered from credit card applications that were stolen from the trash. A shredder is a worthwhile investment. Dust your bookshelves once a week. Run your duster over the area between the ends of the books and the edge of the shelf.

Wipe down your monitor weekly with window cleaner and a rag.

That’s it. Print this info out and hang it on your fridge if you like. You’ll find it easier to remember the little tasks that need doing, and you’ll be reminded that it’s just going to take a few minutes each day to maintain your organized household!

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